Science and Technology

Mathematics, physics, biology, applied sciences... French institutions offer excellent training in science, in English and French, at university or school.


There are more than 200 engineering schools in France, authorised by the Commission des Titres d'Ingénieurs (CTI) to award the title of engineer (master's degree, bac +5). The diploma is also recognized internationally, in Europe (EUR-ACE label) and across the Atlantic (equivalent to the US Master in Engineering).


Engineering schools offer engineering cycles in 3 or 5 years (entry to Bac +2 or Bac +0), but also Bachelor, Masters, Specialised Masters (MS - Bac +6) and doctorates. Students can specialize in master's degrees in electronics, electrical engineering, automation, robotics, industrial computing, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, materials, industrial engineering, etc...


Most engineering schools are public and the applicable tuition fees are the same as at university, for the engineering cycle. For school diplomas, each school is free to apply its own fees.


Engineering schools benefit from numerous partnerships with companies and also allow international mobility.


All these institutions offer French and English courses. The entry is selective and can be made on the basis of a file or a competition. You must apply directly to the school for the program that interests you before registering on Études en France.


Please note that some institutions require a parallel procedure (INSA Group for example): in this case you must apply both on Études en France and directly to the institution.


Learn more about Engineering Sciences.


Universities offer scientific training, at the bachelor's, professional licence, master's and doctorate levels, within their Science and Technology departments, with specialisations in mathematics, physics, biology, chemistry, engineering, humanities and social sciences, etc. Programmes in English are available at the master's level.


To find a scientific course, click here.


You still have questions about your orientation? Click here.


Applications are made on Études en France, according to the schedule that corresponds to your level.


The Superior Technician Certificate

The BTS (Brevet de Technicien Supérieur) is a two-year diploma prepared in a high school or vocational training centre. There are about 50 BTS in scientific fields: civil engineering, construction, textiles, mechanics, electronics, processing, agriculture, computer science, etc..... The BTS allows for direct professional integration or further study in a bachelor's degree, engineering school or veterinary school. It is a national diploma that is part of the European LMD system, and confers 120 ECTS upon graduation.


For the BTS, apply on Parcoursup!


The University Diploma of Technology

The DUT (diplôme universitaire de technologie) is a two-year diploma prepared by the IUT (Instituts Universitaires de Technologie), the technology courses of French universities. The DUTs in the industrial field prepare students for entry into professional life or for further studies in a professional degree, a general degree or an engineering school. The training is part of the European LMD system, and confers 120 ECTS upon graduation.


Apply on the “Études en France” platform for a DUT.


After the BTS or DUT

Students with a BTS or DUT may enter an ATS (higher technical adaptation) scientific preparatory class. This one-year training allows them to enter an engineering school or a veterinary school.


Attention, the DUT and BTS are 100% taught in French.


The CPGE (Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles) is a two-year course given in high schools in France. It is accessible after the baccalaureate and prepares students to take entrance exams for engineering schools, veterinary schools, ENS (Ecoles Normales Supérieures) and Polytechnique. There are 4 streams in the first year: mathematics and physics, chemistry, industrial science and biology.


Preparatory classes are not degree courses, but give access to European credits and allow entry to the University in L3. Registered in the LMD system, the preaparatory classes validate ECTS (120 maximum at the end of the 2 years) which make it possible to obtain equivalences in the event of reorientation.


More information on the Onisep website.


For the preparatory classes, apply on Parcoursup!


Be careful, CPGEs are 100% taught in French.