Social and Human Sciences

Students interested in studying in the humanities and social sciences are more likely to study for a long time: psychology, sociology, philosophy, educational sciences, information and communication, history, geography or even urban planning, etc...


Universities offer training in the humanities and social sciences at the undergraduate, professional, master's and doctoral levels. The fields concerned are: sociology, philosophy, educational sciences, information-communication, history, geography, urban planning, etc...


At the bachelor's level, most programs are taught in French. English-speaking degrees are available at some universities from the master's level onwards.


Applications are made on Études en France, according to the schedule that corresponds to your level.


The Grandes Écoles are French institutions of higher education of excellence, whose entry is very selective. Several of these institutions offer courses in law, political science and social sciences: the Institutes of Political Studies (IEP), the School of Higher Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS), the Higher Education Normal Schools (ENS)...


Different entry methods are possible depending on the school: international admissions, on competition, on file, after a preparatory class, etc....


The CPGE (Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles) is a two-year course given in high schools in France. It is accessible after the baccalaureate, is multidisciplinary and prepares students to take entrance exams for business schools, IEPs (Institutes of Political Studies), ENSs (Ecoles Normales Supérieures) and specialised schools (communication, translation, art, etc.).


For the literary preparatory class, there are 2 main fields of study: literature or literature and social sciences. Other courses exist, and prepare for more specific competitions.


Preparations are not degree courses, but give access to European credits and allow entry to the University in L3. Registered in the LMD system, the preparatory classes validate ECTS (120 maximum at the end of the 2 years) which make it possible to obtain equivalences in the event of reorientation. More information on the Onisep website.


For economic preparedness, there are 3 different options: scientific, economic and technological.


More information on the Onisep website, economic and commercial preparation file.


For the preparatory class, apply on  Parcoursup


The University Diploma of Technology

The DUT (University Diploma of Technology) is a two-year diploma prepared by the IUT (University Institutes of Technology), attached to the universities. The DUT in information and communication prepare for entry into professional life or for the pursuit of studies in a professional degree. The training is part of the European LMD system, and confers 120 ECTS upon graduation. Apply on the “Études en France” platform for an IUT.